1948RUB 700 mW Press release

Increasing output power in C-Band and offering ultra-low power consumption Raman pump modules
Nozay, September 23rd 2024 – 3SP Technologies, one of the leading suppliers in the Raman pump market announces the launch of its new generation 14xxnm Raman pump laser modules to achieve up to 700mW pump laser at a low 11W max power consumption.

Based on its 30 years’ experience of InP based pump laser technology, 3SP Technologies launches on the market a new high-performance Raman 14xxnm pump laser module: 1948RUB. Over the past decades, we have witnessed an increase of the optical transmission systems’ capacity demand driven by the tremendous data volume exchanged all over the world. The very high rates are transmitted over optical fibers to long distances in optical networks thanks to optical amplifiers using high power pump lasers. 1948RUB provides up to 700 mW output power in order to improve the Optical Signal to Noise Ratio (OSNR) at the receiver side. Using the existing fully Telcordia qualified packaging platform, 3SP Technologies developed a new state of the art laser chip that brings largely improved performance thanks to its deep and extensive knowhow of semiconductor optical active components design and manufacturing. Thus, laser efficiency has been pushed up with low penalty on maximum achievable power, leading to a best-in-class overall power consumption of 11W (End Of Life) at Chip temperature 35°C and Case temperature 70°C for 700mW output power.
This new chip allows also the power consumption reduction of 2W for 500mW (7W vs 9W) and 3W for 600mW (9.5W vs 12.5W) compared to the current generation of Raman pumps.

Product summary:

Family name 1948RUB
Optical output (W) 700 mW
End Of Life (EOL) Power consumption (W) Max. 11 W
Drive conditions Chip temperature 35°C, Case temperature 70°C EOL
Bandwidth C-band
Figure 1 : 1948RUB’s photo
1948RUB’s photo
Figure 2: Current-Optical output curve of 1948RUB at Tc=25°C
Current-Optical output curve of 1948RUB at Tc=25°C

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